115 Stover Road, Valley Falls, New York 12185      (518) 753-7700   


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Many people are so involved with their day to day activities that they often put off planning for themselves and their families.  It is important to make arrangements for your assets and to gain maximum benefits for all concerned.

Where to Begin...

  1. Determine your estate:  Prepare a list of your assets identifying the ownership and approximate value.  Assets include:  cash and accounts, real estate, life insurance, business interests, stocks and bonds, mutual funds, other.

  2. Identify your estate planning goals:  Goals may include providing for family members after your death, providing for family members with special needs, minimizing estate taxes, planning for long-term health care costs, other.

  3. Select qualified professionals to assist you:  Some things to consider when choosing a professional are...
  • Is the professional a good listener?
  • Will your questions be answered before you need to make a decision?
  • Is the professional able to provide the services you seek and explain the estate planning tools you need?
  • Are explanations clear and concise?
  • Does the professional explain alternatives?
  • Does the professional provide advantages and disadvantages of various estate planning techniques?
  • Will this professional continue to be available?
  • Does this professional make you feel comfortable?

The information in this site is for general purpose only.
You should consult a qualified professional for specific recommendations appropriate to your individual situation.
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